
Feedback Change request

mrfaruk 13 years ago updated by Mario Lacunza 13 years ago 7
Some time buyer or programmer give bad review
And one time it solved but the bad review still kepp in the review page
So Need A Feature Where programmer Can request buyer to Change his review
And buyer also abel to change the review for him
If He request

Really good idea, but better if limit it, for example allow only one review revision and only this option will be available for example for 3 days after date in which review placed first time.
This would make no sense for hiding the reviews till both parties have reviewed right? Suppose buyer has given a 5 for the programmer but the programmer had initially given a 10 for the buyer, he will immediately request to lower the number for no reason but spite. I dont think its a good idea
No Hiding Review
Just Requesting to change the Review

I think this would work only if both parties agree to change their feedback and only in one direction, upwards. That is, a 5 rated user cannot get 4, but can get 7 and so on.
I think this required Must
If there any way to delete my bad rating ? My buyer give bad rating to me, Because of communication.  If there any way to request to change the review. ? 
Now I suffer other bad decision from Betty staff support, she able to buyer to left feedback and I cant !!! thats because she said, I cant do the project on time, I refund full money to buyer after I already did 70% of the project.
For thaty reason SL dont give me the option to left my feedback?? and give that right to the buyer ONLY?? thats a very stupid decision. So give the option to send review or cancel the buyers review.
In all the courts around the world both sides hace the same rights so here in SL no??? Rene I spected your support here and take action.
