
Set Percentage for min/max Bids Based on Budget

IDEASGirl 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez mrfaruk 12 lat temu 1
First of all, the minimum and maximum brackets for budget should be ALWAYS FLEXIBLE (to go up or down). I've convinced buyers to go farther with their bid to accomplish their plans and sometimes I've been able to bid lower that their budget because I think is what is worth for me at that time for that task I'm going to work on. Also brackets like $10-$200 have too much space in between and sometimes the $15 applies to that project because is a little change on a CSS of a color or something like that (which are great for new freelancers to get feedback).

My suggestion is that the minimum allowed should be a percent of the min/max. For example:

1-If a project's minimum is $100 and the percent set is 20%, then freelancers CAN'T bid below $80 (100 x .20=20 / $100 - $20 = $80); or over $120.

2-If a project's minimum is $1000 and the percent set is 10%, then freelancers CAN'T bid below $900 (1000 x .10=100 / $1000 - $100 = $900); or over $1200.

That will also avoid silly freelancers to bid $500 on a budget of $80. HEY! The buyer is not going to stretch their budget so much, so JUST DON'T BID and LET IT GO! Don't waste your time and buyer's. Don't bid for the sake of it.