search: add filter to remove users with 0 feedback

dany 13 лет назад обновлен ts2001 12 лет назад 4
Just add minimum feedbacks to search, so i can avoid to see the projects by buyer with 0 feedbacks,
If nobody would work for new buyers, how new buyers will get a review?
I think we have to welcome newcomers not avoiding them (even though we don't know how honest they are)
haaa haaa
I think you have a lot review thats why you are trying to doing this
ha hhhaaa

i haven't said that anyone should work for new buyers, just that i would like to have such option, but i think i can solve with a greasemonkey script, so it is not vital for me.
Yes, but this option will also make more others avoiding new buyers even if they don't really intend to. Just because they played with options or presence of the option made them thinking that something is wrong with new buyers and they have to avoid them as others do. It will also make new buyers feel uncomfortable.

There's nothing wrong with new buyers. Just ask for 100% escrow and that's it.

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