
Buyer Have 7 days to review you

BizHat com il y a 12 ans mis à jour par galaxythestars il y a 12 ans 3
After i review buyer, it says

Buyer have 7 days to review you. If they fail to do this they will lose the ability to review you for this project.

If buyer is busy, he may not able to write a review for me. Some may not know how to post a review and it is not important for them to do so.

Change it to only show review if both party posted review. So there won't be any one sided reviews.
Yes I have a lot of that cases, buyer is very busy on dont like write, I send review but he dont send one for me, finally buyer add a review and I dont obtain nothing...
I 've faced similar problems as well.
Some may not know how to post a review and it is not important for them to do so.

You are right; thats why I have requested to include completed projects of programmer in profile even if buyer do not review. So, there will be less loss by no review.
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