Your comments

Many upgrades to the message board are planned. Including this.
Withdrawal cheques are in US dollars from a US bank. Any bank that accepts
USD cheques should be able to accept these. Please contact your bank for details.
Was this a temporary issue or do you continue to experience problems? Please contact webmaster at
Take a look at and you will see that more than 97% of users are happy with their projects. The negative reviews you see online are from the very few, yet very loud minority, who's projects fail, often due to communication issues.

ScriptLance does as much, if not more, than other sites to protect buyers. With features such as Escrow, Payment score, and free dispute resolution.

Are there any specific concerns of yours I can address for you?
This is unrealistic as most buyers will not commit to paying funds in advance. Although we have added the project escrow option, which will soon promoted for projects as well as contests.
We are unable to reproduce the errors. Please contact webmaster at and provide some more examples that you are having issues with. Thank you.
Do you have any other examples of files you believe were corrupted during download?
What browser and operating system do you use? Do you have another browser you can try?